Joseph Weiss, M.D.
Joseph Weiss, M.D.
Clinical Professor of Medicine
University of California, San Diego

Non-Fiction Books

These titles cover a variety of issues around the digestive system, from how it works (or doesn't) to advances in science that contribute to living longer, better lives.

Front cover - No Excuse... Save Your Life

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No Excuse... Save Your Life!
The Essential Path to Colorectal Cancer Prevention
No Excuse... is a potentially life-saving book that clearly explains the importance and practicality of colorectal cancer screening and prevention. Designed to engage and inform the public, No Excuse offers a clear path to protect one's health from this common, yet preventable, disease. Colorful images and graphics highlight the text which contains a wealth of practical, but rarely discussed, information. Each chapter offers concise summaries of the in-depth content making this book an indespensible resource and guide. Each individual and their health care providers will both benefit from the valuable and empowering information gathered under one cover.

AirVeda: Ancient & New Wisdom, Digestion & Gas, by Joseph Weiss, M.D.

Click here to enlarge cover
AirVeda: Ancient & New Wisdom, Digestion & Gas
AirVeda covers the remarkable advances in the understanding of digestive health and wellness. New information about the critical role of genomics, epigenetics, the gut microbiome, and the gut-brain-microbiome-diet axis are opening new avenues to optimal whole body health and wellness. An appreciation of the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and other disciplines shows that they had advanced insights into the nature of the human body and the holistic approach. Although intestinal gas, basic bodily functions, and feces have been topics culturally suppressed, knowledge and understanding are needed to achieve and maintain optimal health. This volume, and others in the series, provide an informative and entertaining in depth look at the amazing world of human health and digestion. The volume is authored by a physician and educator who is a specialist in gastroenterology. Written for the intelligent lay public, the medical and scientific terminology is translated into plain English. Extensive knowledge about the physiology and science of the fart, burp, and bloat often associated with the digestive process is clearly explained. It covers everything you ever wanted to know about farts and digestion, but were either too afraid or too embarrassed to ask.

Dr. Deepak Chopra comments:
"Dr. Joseph Weiss' book, AirVeda, provides an informative and entertaining approach to sharing insights about our digestive system and wellbeing by applying the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda to everyday life."

PaperbackKindle e-book
PaperbackKindle e-book
To Air is Human - Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Intestinal Gas, by Joseph Weiss, M.D.

To Air is Human - Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Intestinal Gas
To Air is Human is a uniquely informative, entertaining, and lavishly illustrated volume. Extensive knowledge about the physiology and science of the digestive process and intestinal gas is clearly explained by an expert in the field. It covers everything you ever wanted to know about the fart, burp, and bloat, but were too embarrassed to ask.

A companion volume, Artsy Fartsy, Cultural History of the Fart, is a fascinating overview of the fart through the history, art, and literature of human society, from antiquity to the present day.

PaperbackKindle e-book
PaperbackKindle e-book
Artsy Fartsy - Cultural History of the Fart by Joseph Weiss, M.D.

Artsy Fartsy - Cultural History of the Fart
Artsy Fartsy, Cultural History of the Fart is a fascinating and factual overview of the common fart through human culture and history. The cough, sneeze, hiccup, stomach rumble, burp, belch, and other bodily sounds simply cannot compete with the notoriety of the fart. Whether encountered live and in person, or through the medium of literature, television, cinema, art, or music, it may leave a powerful and lingering memory.

The history of the fart in culture and society is a seldom told, but remarkable tale. The very same fart that has triggered wars and the deaths of thousands of innocents (see entry on Josephus Flavius) has also led to the laughter and entertainment of millions worldwide (see entry on Joseph Pujol and Cinematic Arts).

PaperbackKindle e-book
PaperbackKindle e-book
The Scoop on Poop by Joseph Weiss, M.D.

The Scoop on Poop!
The Scoop on Poop! is a uniquely informative, tastefully entertaining, and well-illustrated volume that is full of it! The 'it' being a comprehensive and knowledgeable overview of all topics related to the remains of the digestive process. Whether you call it poop, feces, excrement, manure, dung, or by one of the more than one hundred euphemisms, shit happens, and it happens a lot! Tens of billions of pounds and kilograms of it or deposited every day by wild diversity of animal and microbial life. Humans alone contribute over three billion pounds a day, and only a small percentage of that is treated by a sewage system.

Whether you disdain it, or appreciate it, it is part of the human (and animal) experience. The purpose of this volume is to share rarely discussed, yet very important, knowledge about poop. The information ranges from the potentially life-saving to the sidesplitting descriptions of the eccentricities and peculiarities of human behavior. The wealth of information and trivia can sustain a long social conversation, or cut it short abruptly!

PaperbackKindle e-book
PaperbackKindle e-book

You Don't Know Sh*t - Until You Read This Book by Joseph Weiss, M.D.

You Don't Know Sh*t - Until You Read This Book
You Don't Know Sh*t - Until You Read This Book has the identical content as The Scoop in Poop, the only difference being a 'cheekier' title for those who like a little more provocative reading or gift giving. The book is a uniquely informative, entertaining, illustrated volume that is full of it! The 'it' being information, knowledge, eccentricities, and peculiarities of the remains of the digestive process. Although these remains are more politely described as feces or excrement, it is more commonly and properly known as shit. The book covers everything you ever wanted to know about this primitive but most ubiquitous of subjects. We all generate it, carry it around with us in our bowels, and eliminate it on a regular basis.

Whether you disdain it or appreciate it, it is part of the human (and animal) experience. The purpose of this volume is to inform the reader that there is a lot more to know about shit, and that the information can be useful, possibly life saving, and downright entertaining. The trivia in this volume can sustain a long social conversation, or cut is short abruptly. After reading this volume you will have a newfound appreciation that the title may accurately reflect the state of knowledge of those who have not yet read the book.

PaperbackKindle e-book
How Do You Doo?: Everybody Pees & Poops! by Nancy Cetel, M.D. and Joseph Weiss, M.D.

How Do You Doo?: Everybody Pees & Poops!
By Nancy Cetel, M.D. and Joseph Weiss, M.D.

A delightfully informative, entertaining, and colorfully illustrated volume with valuable practical insights on toilet training. Tasteful color photographs of animals answering the call of nature allows the child to understand that everybody does it! Additional informative relevant content to entertain the adult while the child is 'on the potty' is included.

PaperbackKindle e-book

The Quest For Immortality: Advances in Vitality & Longevity by Danielle Weiss, M.D., Nancy Cetel, M.D., and Joseph Weiss, M.D.

The Quest for Immortality:
Advances in Vitality & Longevity
By Danielle Weiss, M.D., Nancy Cetel, M.D. and Joseph Weiss, M.D.

The Quest for Immortality, Advances in Vitality & Longevity provides an informative and enlightening overview of the revolutionary discoveries in the life sciences and medicine. Written in clear engaging language and richly illustrated, it allows for an understanding of the remarkable progress in a wide diversity of fields. From bioengineering and nanotechnology, to genomics, stem cells, and other disciplines, the advances are exceptional. While the traditional progress of modern medicine continues to enhance disease prevention and treatment, the secrets of vitality and longevity are finally being revealed.

Food for Thought: Brain, Gut, Microbes, Diet - DVD by Joseph Weiss, M.D.

Food for Thought: Brain, Gut, Microbes, Diet
Streaming Video by Joseph Weiss, M.D.

This newly released video, Food for Thought explains how the brain-gut-microbiome axis is revolutionizing our understanding of mental and physical health and wellness. The microbiome is the term used to describe the trillions of microbial organisms that normally live within and on our body. Science has revealed that humans are actually a super-organism and the microbiome is in continuous communication with the body. The microbiome and diet are intimately interconnected with human health and wellness.

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 Full Course (video, test, CECs, and more)
Food for Thought: Brain, Gut, Microbes, Diet - DVD by Joseph Weiss, M.D.

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Rancho La Puerta Presentation Packet

IDEA Presentation Packet

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